The reason I started NEOM that not everyone knows…

Busy but frazzled? Stressed or can’t sleep? We hear you!

The reason I started NEOM that not everyone knows…

I’m not a calm person, I bloody wish I was. I am a full on ball of energy (and have burnt the candle at both ends) kind-of-girl. My default state is busy busy BUSY AND it’s probably why I suffered (and still do) from anxiety, which happens to be the reason I started NEOM.

Rewind 12 years and I was working like a nutter for magazines - flying to LA with celebs and then shooting cover stories (with calls in the middle of the night about changing the pedicurist!) which I absolutely loved, I learnt SO much, AND worked with some of the finest, hot-thinking bosses… BUT boy did I feel it! I was on the brink of burnout.

So, I turned to essential oils and found blending the right ones were a massive help. In particular the blend I started with was what we now call Real Luxury with 24 different oils to work their absolute hardest for you if you need to de-stress. If you are not a naturally calm person, then I believe you have to learn to create calm with modern remedies for modern life. I am able to manage it every day with these oils and a bit of a wellbeing tool kit. But it’s really important to note that what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another, so you have to find your own tool kit.It takes time to get it right BUT here are a few things that work for me…

1 - Move. Yep exercise. I love the saying that our friends over at FRAME have which is ‘support your local endorphin dealer’ - which is so true. Endorphins are good for everything!

2 - Meditate. I use the Calm app when I can (this is one of the hardest things for me to do!)

3 - Use NEOM Real Luxury fragrance amongst it all. My fav’s are the candle (or the Essential Oil drops in my Wellbeing Pod if time is limited and I need an instant boost) and I keep the Hand Balms handy (and use the 7/11 breathing technique alongside). Wherever I go, they go!

4 - Supplements - Magnolia Rhodiola.

5 - Reading. I find good books can reset my brain! I rate Solve for Happy by Mo Gawdat.

I would love to hear from you. Do you have an anxiety tool kit? Or tell us how we can help you feel good? Get in touch with me @nicolaelliottmoss.

Much love, Nicola x